Taking the highway 190 from the city of Oaxaca towards the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, turn off to Mitla and skirting that town, continue on the road towards Ayutla. After winding into the mountains for 17 kilometers you arrive at the turn to Albarradas, 5 kilometers more bring you to Hierve el Agua. These mineral water springs are fascinating, not only because they form a part of a pre-Hispanic irrigation system, but also because of the setting in which they are found. A series of small natural pools on a large flat space called the amphitheater at a cliff top offer the bather a spectacular view of the mineral formations that look like petrified cascades. Although the name leads us to picture hot springs, in reality the water is cool, refreshing and highly mineralized and effervescent and so appears to be on the point of boiling. 

Alternative Tourism

  • Mountain Bike: Ride through the Oaxaca Central Valleys, visiting historical sites and famous churches, seeing and admiring nature and the beauty of the locale.
  • Hiking: Walk t hrough the most beautiful forest of Oaxaca, learn about medicinal plants and camp out under the stars.
  • Rock Climbing: Enjoy yourself and experience this invigorating sport weight, sex and age are not important.
    Bird Watching

A guide specializing in ornithology will teach you how to discover the beauty and unique variety of birds of Oaxaca.